K. H. (Koko) LAM Research group

Professional Qualifications

IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section Chapter for Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control

Exco Member
Ultrasound Transducers and Materials Society, China Association of Medical Equipment - Medical Ultrasound Equipment Society

​Secretary, Exco Member

IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of PES, IAS, PELS, and IES (IEEE JC PIPI)

The Institution of Engineers in Scotland (IES)

Senior Member
IEEE Society (US)

Invited Member

American Chemical Society (US)

Honors and Awards​

Fellowship (2025)

The Higher Education Academy

UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor (2025)

UK Council for Graduate Education

​World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientist in Applied Physics (2024)
The dataset based on 16 September 2024, released by Stanford University

World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientist in Applied Physics (2023)
The dataset based on 04 October 2023, released by Stanford University

Faculty Team Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching (2022)
Faculty of Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientist in Applied Physics (2022)
The dataset based on 03 November 2022, released by Stanford University

Faculty of Engineering Research Grant Achievement Award (2022)

Faculty of Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientist in Applied Physics (2021)
The dataset based on 01 August 2021, released by Stanford University

Faculty Team Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching (2021)
Faculty of Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Faculty Team Award for Outstanding Performance in Services (2019)

Faculty of Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Visiting Professor (2015 – present)
South China Normal University

Early Career Award (2014)

Research Grants Council
HKPolyU-funded Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2007 – 2009)

“Semi-active MR damper-based control system for long-span spatial structures” (G-YX87 for HKD 736,000)

The Third Prize in the Best Paper on Materials (2000) 

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

K. H. (Koko) Lam - University of Glasgow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University © All rights reserved.

K. H. (KOKO) Lam


Koko Lam is currently a Reader (Ultrasonics) in James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow (UofG) and an Adjunct Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU). He received the M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics from HKPolyU. During his graduate studies, he worked on the synthesis and characterizations of piezoelectric materials and their applications in sensors and actuators under the supervision of Prof. Helen L.W. Chan. He was a visiting scholar in Stanford University in 2007. From 2007 to 2009, he acquired the HKPolyU-funded Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and worked on the applications of smart materials in civil engineering structures at HKPolyU. Meanwhile, he also joined an international project (collaborated with Stanford University, University of Michigan, and Georgia Institute of Technology) to conduct wireless vibration monitoring of Guangzhou Television and Sightseeing Tower in China. He then joined the group of  Prof. Kirk K. Shung as a Research Associate at the NIH Resource Center on Medical Ultrasonic Transducer Technology in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of University of Southern California (USC). He started his academic career as an Assistant Professor (2013) and later an Associate Professor and Associate Head of Department (2019) in Electrical Engineering at HKPolyU.

​Koko has been working in the field of smart materials and applications including materials for energy conversion (e.g., piezoelectrics, thermoelectrics, multiferroics, photocatalysis, etc.) and storage (e.g., electrode materials for rechargeable batteries, dielectrics, etc.), ultrasonic transducer technology, smart sensor and actuator technology, and various biomedical and non-destructive applications. He has achieved 260+ publications, including 13 patents for 10 inventions, 230+ SCI journal papers, and 20 international conference papers.

Koko received an Early Career Award in 2014 presented by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. He has been awarded the Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Besides, he is an UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor, UK Council for Graduate Education. Additionally, he has been listed among the top 2% scientists in a global list released by Stanford University since 2021. He has been a Visiting Professor in South China Normal University since 2015. He is an Exco member of Ultrasound Transducers and Materials Society, China Association of Medical Equipment - Medical Ultrasound Equipment Society, a Secretary of IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of PES/IAS/PELS/IES (IEEE JC PIPI), a Senior Member of the IEEE Society, and a Member of American Chemical Society. He is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Smart Materials and has served on the editorial board of several SCI journals. He has also served as a Reviewer for grant proposals and manuscripts for over 70 prestigious international SCI journals, a Member of local/overseas examination boards, and an Organizing Committee Member of international conferences & seminars.